Artist Profile
My Music
My Guru
Part 1 of the Raga Trilogy : Led by me, Akshay and Sriram at IndianRaga with the active inputs of some awesome IndianRaga Fellows !!
This is a sufiana kalaam by Bulleh Shah rearranged and presented in a collaboration across Dubai, Milwaukee and Atlanta with IndianRaga! Vocals by Jai Sovani, Sarod by Souryadeep Bhattacharyya and Geoshred by Mahesh Raghvan
Conceptualized by me user the mentorship of Smt.Arati Ankalikar at the IndianRaga Fellowship
Taking inspiration from my roots in Indian Classical Music and my continuous journey of learning, creation and innovation, I have composed or been a vital part of the creative process for a number of original musical compositions. I was the "Creative Director" for the 2015 IndianRaga Fellowship and am also an active collaborator with various musicians. In this page are some of my creations that I hold deep to my heart.
Click on the images and follow the links to a journey of creative discovery !!